

  • Criteria for Awarding Public Contracts and the Green Criterion

    Public contracts in France are awarded based on objective, precise criteria related to the purpose of the contract, as defined by the Public Procurement Code and case law. These criteria include price and qualitative, environmental, or social aspects.Since the enactment of the law on August 22, 2021, the environmental criterion is mandatory in public procurement. […]

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    Implementation of Individual or Collective Economic Dismissals in the Company

    Economic dismissal, whether individual or collective, is governed by strict procedures that vary depending on the size of the company and the number of layoffs being considered. This article outlines the steps and legal obligations involved in implementing an economic dismissal within a company. Economic dismissal is defined by Article L. 1233-3 of the French […]

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    The Main Legal Pitfalls to Avoid for Business Leaders

    Business leaders face a multitude of complex issues: market determination, product or service development, financing, legal structuring, and more. As part of presentations organized by Rouen Normandie Création of the Rouen Métropole, LBV Avocats had the opportunity to share insights with a group of entrepreneurs on the key legal pitfalls to avoid. Here’s a brief […]

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    The implementation of the internal regulations within the company

    Recently, in a ruling from October 23, 2024 (n°022-19726), the Court of Cassation reminded that if the employer fails to complete all the required formalities for implementing or modifying an internal regulation, a union can request the suspension of the regulation through a summary procedure. Only employees can invoke its unenforceability. This is an opportunity […]

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    Financial Consequences of an Amicable Divorce: Focus on Compensatory Allowance

    Sometimes introduced to a spouse wishing to divorce during their first meeting with their attorney, the compensatory allowance can be a particularly significant financial consequence of divorce. It cannot be waived in advance, and the presence of a prenuptial agreement does not prevent its assessment or its requirement upon separation. I- What is the Compensatory […]

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    The Insured Facing Their Insurer

    The insurance contract is an agreement whereby the insurer commits, in exchange for a premium, to compensate the insured in case of risk occurrence. This contract is governed by specific rules that impose obligations on both the insured and the insurer. This article reviews the respective obligations of the parties within the framework of an […]

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    Both judges and lawyers are generally limited to their legal knowledge. However, handling a case regularly requires the involvement of third-party experts in their fields. Judges tend to rely more on expert assessments than on personal verifications or consultations. This indeed strengthens the objectivity and credibility of their decisions. Expertise is ordered when the provided […]

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    Audiovisual Adaptation

    The year 2024 is particularly marked by the cinematic adaptation of the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo” starring Pierre Niney. Although the film will unfortunately not be presented at the Oscars, it serves as a perfect example of adapting a literary work into a film. In this adaptation, directors Alexandre de La Patellière and […]

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    Sale of a Business Assets

    The transfer of a business involves the express or implied transfer of its clientele. It is possible to sell parts of a company without this being considered a sale of a business as long as the clientele is not transferred. Conversely, a lease transfer qualifies as a business sale if the transferee engages in the […]

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