Mickaël Le Borloch est avocat au Barreau de Rouen et Docteur en droit.

Mickaël Le Borloch

Mickaël Le Borloch is above all a law enthusiast. As a lawyer registered with the Bars of Paris and Rouen, as well as a Doctor of Law, he has the opportunity to combine his passion for the law with his calling to defend the interests of his clients.

His academic journey reflects his curiosity. After obtaining his Bachelor’s degree in Law at La Sapienza University in Rome (Italy) and his Bachelor’s degree in English in France, he had the chance to pursue his studies with a Master’s degree in English and North American Business Law at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. His experiences abroad, including a Master’s degree in Business Law at the University of Southern California in the United States, have allowed him to gain a global perspective on the law.

His doctoral thesis on “the application of copyright law to hyperlinks – analysis of French and American law,” the result of a collaboration between Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and Columbia University in New York, is the culmination of many years of research and reflection. His published thesis, with an article shared in the International Copyright Law Journal (RIDA), represents not only a personal achievement for him but also a modest contribution to the field of law. He is an active member of Normandie Web Expert and Normandie Livre et Lecture, where he has the opportunity to intervene to popularize law.

Mickaël LE BORLOCH wrote his doctoral dissertation on “The Application Of Copyright To Hyperlinks – Analysis Of French And American Laws” between La Sorbonne University in Paris and Columbia University in New York . He was awarded a scholarship from the Alliance program. You can access the resulting article at number 258 of the International Copyright Review (RIDA).

Mickaël Le Borloch also graduated from the University of Southern California (United States) where he gratuated from the Master degree of Business Law (LL.M.).

In addition to his legal profession, Mickaël LE BORLOCH lectures in intellectual property law, copyright, trademark law, patent law, communication and marketing law, contract law and tort law.

Marquage de parragraphe

Mickaël Le Borloch represents authors, artists, companies, associations, and public institutions.

He is a member of the International Literary and Artistic Association (ALAI), of the Sorbonne Institute of Legal Research and of the Center for Studies and Research in Digital Law of the University of Sceaux (CERDI). Mickaël Le Borloch is also a member of the Club of Patrons of the Opéra de Rouen and of Normandie Livre et Lecture.

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