New technologies regulations / Cyberlaw


Trademark Creation

A trademark is the recognition element of a service or a product. It presents a dual interest, namely to protect consumers who are familiar with the quality of the purchased product or service and to protect companies against competitors who might try to imitate them. The trademark must be represented in a way that allows […]

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The protection of employee work

Contrary to the myth of the author and inventor until the 18th century, who was imagined as creating alone in a stroke of genius, intellectual creation (whether artistic or technical) is increasingly the result of group work and notably orders placed with employees. Contrary to what many believe, employees often have rights to their creations, […]

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Internet was born from the ARPANET project, led by the United States Department of Defense, which aimed to develop a system to maintain communications in the event of a nuclear attack by the Soviet Union. The idea was to create a decentralized network to compensate for the potential destruction of a part of the internet […]

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Freedom of expression is protected by article 11 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 as well as by article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights (i). Freedom of expression is not unlimited and is framed by article 4 of the Declaration of […]

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Employees are increasingly working with digital and remote tools. Labor and personal data law protect them in the context of the performance of their employment contract. As such, on January 16, 2020, the Ministry of Labor posted the Digital Labor Code online, allowing employees to find answers to their questions. Employees will find answers in […]

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Streaming is an internet tool for accessing multimedia content. This tool delivers video and audio content to any internet-connected device. In particular, it allows at any time, regardless of a broadcast schedule and without having to download a file, to listen to music, watch videos, or even follow live events from a computer, smartphone, tablet […]

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