Business law

The Main Legal Pitfalls to Avoid for Business Leaders

Business leaders face a multitude of complex issues: market determination, product or service development, financing, legal structuring, and more. As part of presentations organized by Rouen Normandie Création of the Rouen Métropole, LBV Avocats had the opportunity to share insights with a group of entrepreneurs on the key legal pitfalls to avoid. Here’s a brief […]

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Both judges and lawyers are generally limited to their legal knowledge. However, handling a case regularly requires the involvement of third-party experts in their fields. Judges tend to rely more on expert assessments than on personal verifications or consultations. This indeed strengthens the objectivity and credibility of their decisions. Expertise is ordered when the provided […]


Sale of a Business Assets

The transfer of a business involves the express or implied transfer of its clientele. It is possible to sell parts of a company without this being considered a sale of a business as long as the clientele is not transferred. Conversely, a lease transfer qualifies as a business sale if the transferee engages in the […]

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French law, as a matter of principle, rejects the notion of unforeseen circumstances in contracts. Indeed, since the “Craponne Canal” case, judges have held that: “Considering Article 1134 of the Civil Code;  Given that the provision of this article is merely the reproduction of the old principles constantly followed in matters of contractual obligations, the […]


LBV Lawyers in China

From May 7 to 14, 2024, LBV AVOCATS was represented by Mickaël LE BORLOCH in China as part of the exchange between the ROUEN Bar Association and the NINGBO Bar Association. NINGBO is a Chinese city with a population of 10 million, located approximately 200 kilometers south of Shanghai. It is currently the world’s largest […]

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When establishing a business, many entrepreneurs choose not to purchase premises but to seek a commercial lease instead. This choice offers various advantages, notably by not putting pressure on the company’s cash flow at its inception and by more easily allowing the possibility of changing locations to accommodate the company in places better suited to […]


The protection of employee work

Contrary to the myth of the author and inventor until the 18th century, who was imagined as creating alone in a stroke of genius, intellectual creation (whether artistic or technical) is increasingly the result of group work and notably orders placed with employees. Contrary to what many believe, employees often have rights to their creations, […]

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Business secrets

On June 8, 2016, the European Union adopted a directive on the protection of know-how and undisclosed commercial information (also called trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure. This directive was transposed in France by the law of June 30, 2018 and codified in articles L.151-1 and following of the Commercial Code. These […]

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